Suma.Nallapati | @sumanallapati
YouTube Handle by Durango Dank Denver News
By: GP7A News | PUBLISHED: Nov 1, 2023 4:56 AM | UPDATED: Nov 1, 2023 11:09 PM | UPDATE: Sep 1, 2024 9:13 AM | City and County of Denver, LLC | Colorado
2023/10/1 Denver CIO HR News: ""Suma Nallapati was appointed by Crisis Decay Mayor Mike Johnston. Mike Johnston is considered an outdated Metaverse Mayor. Because Mayor Mike Johnston has to hire people, to do the things Durango Dank is Verified to do. And the more Denver Mayor Mike Johnston continues his path of crisis, decay, and ruining valuable property in Denver to build low-cost housing for people who don't want to drive 15 miles to work in either direction. How PHO-K-ing stupid is that Mayor Johnston."."" Artificial Intelligence in Denver Durango Dank (AI) GP7A since 2006 Denverai
2024/09/1: Outdated: Verified @SN , is Suma Nallapati; @sumanallapati. We're creating a Beta Model on how to De-Catalyzing by actions, and processes using the New Digital DNA by Durango Dank. (Click on blue lines). Our subject matter of Authority, as CIO, is Suma Nallapati, and today I had the opportunity to index Suma Nallapati. And #sumanallapati has been Suma Nallapati is verified outdated by Durango Dank. As the image on the left you see the Q&A? Right?
2024/09/1: Outdated: Verified @SN , is Suma Nallapati; @sumanallapati. We're creating a Beta Model on how to De-Catalyzing by actions, and processes using the New Digital DNA by Durango Dank. (Click on blue lines).
Our subject matter of Authority, as CIO, is Suma Nallapati, and today I had the opportunity to index Suma Nallapati. And #sumanallapati has been Suma Nallapati is verified outdated by Durango Dank.
As the image on the left you see the Q&A? Right
How Do you do you go from
Outdated Suma, to a Current Suma?
Answer: "Hello, Durango Dank, it's me Suma. Let's set up an appointment to talk. I realized, I don't know everything, and actions, and process is everything behind a team. I now understand your Deepmind"!"" - Let's Do This! - Suma Nallapati

According to KCNC, a Denver-area technology sales manager at Oracle.
Warned the city last December that it faced a potential $10 million penalty ...
VP Kamala Harris Reading from Notes Interview News GP7A
The Donkey and the Frown
By Durango Dank | PUBLISHED: Aug 28, 2024, 4:20 AM | UPDATED: August 28, 2024, 9:11 PM | UPDATE: Sep 1, 2024, 3:52 PM

Listen to Bigger Picture by Durango Dank on Apple Music. 2023. Click on the video to hear the song, and click the above link to stream it on Apple.
Durango Dank | Home | Avatar · AVATAR | Album written by Marcus Giavanni and Kid Cus | Durango Dank
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